Monday, May 17, 2010

Office of Road Safety WA ads highlight driver distractions

The Office of Road Safety in Western Australia has launched a campaign to bring attention to driver distractions that can lead to serious road accidents.  

The “Distracted drivers are dangerous” campaign created by 303 is part of the WA government’s wider road safety “Towards Zero” strategy. Activity includes radio, TV, outdoor and online executions.
The radio and TV commercials depict what can happen to road users, such cyclists, motorbike riders and pedestrians, when a driver is distracted by texting on their phone, reading a map or talking to passengers in their car.
As part of the campaign there is an online game and ringtones which can be downloaded from the Office of Road Safety website.
Research conducted during the development of the campaign found types of driver distractions to include eating, drinking, smoking, changing a CD or radio station, putting on make-up, talking on the mobile, talking to passengers or children or picking up something from the floor, all whilst driving.
The research was used to develop the creative and campaign messages.
  • Ad agency: 303
  • Creative Director: Lindsay Medalia
  • Art Director: Richard Berney
  • Copywriter: Davood Tabasher
  • Agency Producers: Belinda Hawkins & Holly Kemp
  • Business Director: Donna-Maree Gavin
  • TV Director: Jess Bluck Production
  • Company: Revolver WA
  • Executive Producer: Matt Barber
  • Radio: (Victim Spots) Soundbyte Studios
  • Sound Engineer: Brad Habib (Driver Spots) Eardrum
  • Sound Engineer: Ralph van Dijk
  • Ringtones: Recording Studios: Turning Studios
  • Producer: Emma Hoy
  • Print: Photographer: Allan Myles
  • Clients: Office of Road Safety WA: Roger Farley, Director Strategic Communications and Doug Baird, Communications Officer